Ever try making candied ginger with xylitol?

I don’t recommend it. I think candied ginger is just one of those things that have to be made with cane sugar. I fought a good battle, but ultimately lost that one. However, peeling and slicing 2 lbs of ginger by hand was not done entirely in vain because I got some good ginger broth out of it (is that even a thing?), and I’ll use all those sweet-ish ginger chips for my tea. The oil-free sweet potato chips are coming along though, hopefully I’ll have a recipe for you all real soon!

It’s barely 7:00, coffee is on and I’m salivating over it (thank you, Greenworld Coffee Farm and Jeff & Crystal for sharing this gem). Lincoln was up all night with congestion, therefore Jake was also up all night comforting him on the floor next to the crib. Best dad and fiancee ever. No one knows it yet, but I elected to stay home to take over sick baby duties so Jake can catch up on sleep today. Is there even such a thing? How does one catch up on MONTHS of lost sleep?

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I hear little one’s tiny congested voice over the monitor, so I’m off. I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I’ll have more to share later!


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