Sweet Potato Pad Thai

I have been chatting with Bluehost tech support for over an hour about this WordPress thing, and I feel even more confused than before. I don’t know anything about how to run a blog and I need some serious help! Please bear with me while I figure this out. I suppose I have all the time in the world to chat with this nice person, because I just put on a pot of chili that requires a lot of simmering…like 4 hours of simmering. It’s 10pm. The crockpot is ready to report for duty on this one I think. Or maybe I just need some coffee. 😉

So anyway, about a year ago I got a Paderno spiralizer and I am still completely obsessed with it! If you haven’t spiralized, I’m here to tell you that you must start now. You can spiralize so many different foods; sweet potato, turnips, beets, broccoli stem, carrots, ginger, apples…it’s so much fun and I have so many more recipes to share!

This summer I made a Sweet Potato Pad Thai and it was the most delicious “pad thai” I’ve ever had. This recipe is an adaptation of Kaylee’s recipe at Lemons & Basil. I made a couple small adjustments of my own, but man o man what a genius idea! Be sure to head over and check out Kaylee’s recipes too.

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Here’s my version and I hope you enjoy it!

Sweet Potato Pad Thai
Serves 4


Peanut sauce:
1/4 cup natural peanut butter, creamy
1/4 cup Sriracha sauce (use 2 tbsp if you prefer mild over hot)
1/3 cup canned coconut milk, unsweetened
3 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp real maple syrup
1 tsp tumeric

3 spiralized sweet potatoes (I used the angel hair blade setting on my Paderno)
2 carrots, spiralized then chopped into small length pieces
2 red bell peppers, thinly sliced
2 handfuls of bean sprouts
1 handful of sugar snap peas
¼ cup vegetable broth
1/2 cup dry roasted peanuts (unsalted)
3/4 cup edamame
salt to taste

1 lb chicken breast or shrimp if you wish
1/2 white onion, chopped – I have made this both with and without, and I think it’s good either way.

If you’re going to add chicken, cook that through first and set aside. I prefer to poach the chicken for this particular recipe, but any cooked chicken will do.

Sauce: Combine all the sauce ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add more or less sriracha to taste. Put sauce in a small sauce pan and set aside.

Then prep everything. This recipe moves quickly so you need everything ready to go before you turn the heat on. Spiralize the sweet potatoes and carrots, slice the peppers, measure out the broth, peanuts, and edamame. Set everything aside and go back to your sauce. Turn the heat on low and have a whisk ready. You’ll want the sauce to be warm when it’s time to add it to the noodles. Whisk the sauce occasionally.

For the noodles: In a large pan or wok, add vegetable broth and let warm up. Then add in the sweet potato, carrots, and peppers, salt, and turn the heat up to medium high. Toss the veggies continuously like a stir-fry until the peppers and carrots become tender. The sweet potatoes will get soft, but not really tender like the other veggies. Add in the snap peas and stir for a couple more minutes, then add in the peanuts and edamame, stirring for 3 more minutes. Now, add in the chicken and peanut sauce and stir mixture until the sauce has coated everything. **You may keep the sauce separate and pour over your portion of the noodles as you go if you wish. I find that option best if you’re planning on having leftovers. Dish the noodles and top with fresh beansprouts and a very little drizzle of sesame oil. Enjoy!



As always, I’d love to hear what you think!


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