No-Bake Dark Chocolate Tarts

If you’re reading this I must be alive again. It’s been a few days since I posted. My coffee maker broke, so I was pretty much dead that whole time. All is well now though, because I’m the proud owner of a new mediocre coffee maker. Make no mistake, a mediocre coffee maker is a million times better than none at all. Where I live, it’s at least a 10 minute drive to the nearest generic gas station coffee and 30 minutes to anything decent. I know, I know…tough life. I accept your sympathy.

While I was dead, I experimented a little with this vegan chocolate tart recipe. Needless to say, it brought me back to life, so I think it’s worth sharing. It’s the richest and creamiest chocolate ever and is easily my new favorite treat and Lincoln’s, too!

I really don’t know where to place all these pictures so I’ll just leave them scattered about like so…


If nothing else, they are beautiful!

Dark Chocolate Tarts
Makes 8 – Takes about 20 minutes.

Ingredients & Directions:

3/4 cup coconut flour (you could use almond flour too)
4 tbs ground hazelnuts
5 tbs coconut oil, melted
2 1/2 tbs cacao powder
3 tbs maple syrup
Chocolate Filling
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk (canned)
5 tbs maple syrup (add more to taste)

If you have silicone baking cups, use those. If not, regular cupcake tins should work fine. Slowly warm coconut oil until melted on the stove but do not let it get hot. Set aside to cool. While the coconut oil is cooling, grind whole hazelnuts in a food processor. Whisk together the coconut oil, cocoa powder, and syrup until well combined, then add in the rest of the ingredients until the crust forms. I like the crust to be a little on the thin side, but if you prefer thicker, just add more flour. Spread a little coconut oil along the sides of your molds before filling with the crust. This will make it much easier to peel them off before serving. Press the crust into the molds and put in the freezer to harden while you make the filling.

Chocolate Filling:
Warm coconut oil on the stove, but again do not let it get too hot. Whisk the rest of the ingredients in until smooth. Pull out your crust and fill with the chocolate. Top with sliced almonds or chopped hazelnuts and fresh fruit of your choice. I prefer strawberries or raspberries. Chill covered for an hour or until solid. Peel the molds off and serve cold.

Processed with VSCOcam with 5 preset
Top with hazelnuts, almonds, or any other nut of choice, then refrigerate.
If you like super rich dark chocolate, this is for you! I hope you guys enjoy & let me know how it turns out or if you have questions. 🙂





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