Chocolate Covered Berries Smoothie

Just because it’s 8am, doesn’t mean you can’t have chocolate. When I was a kid, my favorite thing to drink in the morning was chocolate milk. I still love chocolate milk, but the scale doesn’t. So, improvise we must. This morning treat comes packed with benefits like antioxidants, iron, protein, and fiber to name a few.

I’m excited this morning because I get to do a maternity shoot in the forest with the most beautiful mama! It’s an F16 kind of day but get this: it’s MUDDY! Muddy in Maine at the end of February. Dear Mother Nature, we were supposed to be taking these photos in a winter wonderland…what gives? You know what, I can forgive as long as it’s true that spring is almost here.

Anyway, back to the chocolate. I find the fruit to chocolate ratio perfect, and the vanilla yogurt gives it enough sweetness. If you want more sweet, I suggest adding a tablespoon of xylitol or 1-2 of those heavenly Medjool dates.

Chocolate Covered Berries Smoothie
Makes 12 oz.

1/2 cup vanilla greek yogurt (I prefer Triple Zero brand because it’s sweetened with Stevia)
1/2 cup water
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 big handful of spinach
1 1/2 tbs raw cacao

Blend all ingredients together until smooth, then taste test. Add sweetener if desired. Enjoy!

That’s all for today, I have an adorable baby belly to go take photos of! They don’t know the sex of the baby, but my bets are on boy. I’m smitten!

Have a happy weekend, everyone! Let me know what you think.


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