Spaghetti Squash Chicken Parm

I think spring is finally here. The weather has been perfect, the flowers in bloom, and my allergies are in full swing. 

Life has been pretty hectic lately, and I’ve neglected to blog about. In a nutshell, baby Juni was born and I got to take her photos! Look at this precious babe! 😍

Juniper Sunshine

Then I went on a solo trip to Wisconsin where I met some amazing people and saw some beautiful landscape. It reminded me a lot of Maine but bigger!

I hit my first goal weight at the end of April, woot woot!

And then at the beginning of May I started a new job, which I’m totally in love with.

We put our garden in over the weekend…

Lincoln and I planting the onions.
I went into it strongly believing it would be a very small garden with limited produce. What we ended up with is a giant garden with one of everything. I’m a little concerned with the soil in our yard because it’s full of rocks and it’s very dry, by I’m staying positive! 

All that gardening made me hungry, and I had a spaghetti squash in the fridge that needed to be cooked. I saw a Tasty video on Facebook of spaghetti squash chicken parm. I had everything in the house to make it but I changed a few things to make it healthy. 

Poke holes in the squash before microwaving it.

It was a warm day and I didn’t want to use the oven any longer than necessary. Instead of breading and baking the chicken, I breaded and grilled the chicken!

Grind your favorite gluten free crackers into bread crumbs.
Use arrowroot powder, egg, and homemade breadcrumbs.

Scrape the sides of the squash down to get the spaghetti texture.

Add the marinara and chicken.

Add another layer of marinara and cheese (optional).

This is one of the best spaghetti squash dishes I have ever had. Even my 2 year old gobbled some up . I hope you enjoy as much as we did!

Spaghetti Squash Chicken Parm (serves 4)

1 spaghetti squash

1 jar marinara sauce (sugar and oil free preferred)

2 chicken breasts, cut into strips

1 cup mozzarella (optional)

Spritz of olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

For the breading:

30 rice crackers (I used Blue Diamond Nut Thins)

2 eggs, beaten

2 tbs arrowroot powder

Italian seasoning of choice

Preheat oven to 375f

Poke holes in the spaghetti squash and microwave for 6-7 minutes. This will soften it so it’s easier to cut. Let it cool.

Once cooled, slice the squash in half lengthwise as shown in the photos. Scrape out all the seeds. Spritz the squash with olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper. Lay the halves face down on a baking sheet and cook for about 40 minutes, or until you can easily pierce the skin with a fork.

In the meantime, slice chicken into strips and set aside.

Put crackers of choice in a food processor and grind until they’re the same consistency of bread crumbs. 

Put the ground crackers, arrowroot powder, and eggs in separate dishes and bread the chicken. Dip the chicken in the arrowroot first, then egg, then the breading.

Place chicken on the grill and cook until they’re done.

Once the squash is done, scrape the sides down with a fork so you end up with the spaghetti texture. Pour about half the jar of marinara on top. Place the chicken strips on top of the sauce, then pour the remaining slice on top of the chicken. If you choose, sprinkle the mozzarella across the top.

Bake for an additional 10-12 minutes in the oven.


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