
Hi, I’m Kayla from Maine . I have a two year old son named Lincoln and a fiancee of 4 years. Like anyone else, I love food, coffee and photography, and that’s what you’re going to find here. I eat healthy and everything that passes my lips is homemade.  A lot of things I make (not all), I make without oil and sugar, and starches. I cook vegan and vegetarian meals, I make raw meals and treats, I bake gluten free, but I also enjoy meat almost daily, and I think there are a lot of us out there that do, so here I am — sharing with you!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Kayla, you have a beautiful blog! I really like the photography and your food philosophy. I’m very similar in the respect that I mostly eat plant based whole foods but I eat meat on occasion too (maybe once per week). That makes it very hard to ‘label’ for blog purposes (as so many people seem to desire a ‘title’ such as vegan or sugar free or gluten free, argh!) but I’m just doing the best I can!
    I look forward to reading your food adventures. Loving your recipes so far! x


    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! It was hard for me to come up with a name because sometimes there’s gluten in my recipes and sometimes they aren’t vegan, etc. so I know what you mean. I’ll go check your blog out. Happy Leap Day! 😊


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